Murat Faik Ünver

Murat Faik Ünver, of Swiss and Turkish descent, was born and raised in Geneva, Switzerland. From a young age, he developed a deep interest in culinary arts and cooking. To pursue this passion, he studied Applied Sciences in Hospitality Management and Business Administration at Glion Hospitality School in Montreux. After completing his university studies, he […]

Özden Gözlüklü Saka

Özden Gözlüklü Saka, a graduate of Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir with a degree in Business Administration, completed an MBA at the University of Sunderland’s London campus. She currently serves on the executive committee of the Women Entrepreneurs of the Aydın Chamber of Industry and is also a member of the Women in Agriculture cooperative […]

Ece Er Aydin

Ece, born in Izmir, Turkey, in 1990, is a marketing entrepreneur and founder of Olizzi Olive Oils. Ece holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from Middle East Technical University and an MBA from Pepperdine University in Malibu, U.S. She began her professional career in the marketing department of Coca-Cola, where she gained valuable experience in […]

Osman Tezeren

Osman, who is passionate about olives and olive oil, grew up in Izmir, one of the major olive producing regions of Turkey. He has extensive experience in blending and sensory evaluation in the tobacco business since 1996 and is currently a master blender and panel leader in a leading global tobacco company. In 2019, he […]

Ilknur Turkeli Civelek

Besides her management career as a Civil Engineer and Economist, Ilknur pursued her ambition to learn more about the plants and herbs of her native Turkey and their nutritional importance since 2004, gaining degrees in Agriculture and Culinary Arts. Growing up on the Aegean coast of Anatolia amongst ancient olive groves led her become a […]

Official Technical Course

Official Technical Course

The first step into the world of tasting

A true expert of "liquid gold" is distinguished from a simple amateur by virtue of his training.

Advanced Course

An in-depth study of sensory analysis

It allows you to consolidate and deepen your knowledge on oil tasting and inclusion in the "International Register of Professional Tasters".

Online courses


To learn how to taste olive oil directly from your home.

Certified Tasting Sessions

Certificate issued by a Panel Leader

Certified tasting sessions, held in the manner and within the times required by current legislation.

Table Olives Course

Sensorial and Technical Experience Table Olives

Certified tasting sessions, held in the manner and within the times required by current legislation.

Corso Tecnico Ufficiale

Il primo passo nel mondo dell'Assaggio

Un vero esperto dell”oro liquido” si distingue da un semplice amatore in virtù della sua formazione.

Corso Avanzato

un approfondimento del sapere sull’analisi sensoriale

Consente di consolidare e approfondire le conoscenze sull’assaggio degli oli e l'inserimento nel “Registro Internazionale Assaggiatori Professionisti”.

Corsi Online


Per imparare ad assaggiare un olio di oliva direttamente da casa tua.

Sedute di Assaggio Certificate

Attestazione rilasciata da un Capo Panel

Sedute di assaggio certificate, tenute nei modi e nei tempi previsti dalla normativa vigente.

Corso Olive da Tavola

Esperienza Sensoriale e Tecnica Olive da Tavola

Sedute di assaggio certificate, tenute nei modi e nei tempi previsti dalla normativa vigente.