Giovanni Amoretti

Giovanni Amoretti was born in Imperia in 1994. He is the fourth generation of Amoretti family oil producers. He is in charge of marketing, production, and selecting oils and blends to maintain a high-quality final product. He has been an ONAOO taster for many years because he is passionate about his work. In 2024, Giovanni […]

Margherita Chiaraviglio

Margherita Chiaraviglio is from Piedmont. She owns a company called “Frantoio Fresia S.r.l.” with her son, Andrea Fresia. It is located in Chiusavecchia, in the hinterland of Imperia. She started making olive oil after her marriage. After her husband died, she kept making olive oil and her passion for it. Margherita took a technical course […]

Eva Collini

Eva Collini was born in Turin, a city linked to the automotive industry. After working fifteen years as a quality engineer, she left her career to start a project related to extra virgin olive oil. She then enrolled in ONAOO for a technical course and an advanced course, becoming a professional taster in 2023. Meanwhile, […]

Angela Comenale Pinto

Angela has a degree in Psychological Science and Techniques. She is an agronomist, landscape architect and lecturer in agricultural sciences. Angela oversees the production of her family’s historic olive grove in the Cilento area of Castellabate (SA), using sustainable agronomic practices in the belief that “agriculture can and should be integrated with the natural resources […]

Sandro Franceschini

From 1988 to 1993 Sandro worked as a Buyer for “Despar Ceda Srl”. From 1993 to 1999 he worked as Category Manager for “Reggiana Alimentari”. Since 1999 he has been Category Manager for “NORDICONAD”. From 2017 to 2020 he was Director for FIORFIORE CASH & CARRY Srl. From 2021 to 2022, he is Category Manager […]

Marco Gandolfi

Marco Gandolfi has been a member of the organization since 1991. He is particularly interested in oil tasting and has been involved in this area since 1992, when he became a Professional Tasting Member. He has been a member of the ONAOO Official Panel since 2004 and has obtained the qualification of Panel Leader. By […]

Manuela Guatelli

Manuela was born in Genoa but spent her entire childhood in Imperia. She currently resides between Imperia, Shanghai, and Bangkok. She represents the fourth generation of can makers and is actively involved in the “Guatelli Museum”, which houses the Family Collection of Italian Olive Oil Cans. This collection comprises over 6,000 pieces of olive oil […]

Nicola Lotito

Nicola Lotito, born in 1960, Lives in Andria (BT). Nicola has been employed by Azienda Pellegrino S.r.l. since 1990, where he currently serves as Technical Manager in the production sector. In addition to his managerial duties, Nicola oversees bottling operations with a small team of collaborators. In 1991, he attended the extra virgin olive oil […]

Aldo Mazzini

Aldo holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Genoa and a Master of Science in Communication and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) with certification from Dr. Richard Bandler’s NLP Society. He has been professionally engaged in the fields of oil and quality for two decades. In 2023 and 2024, he was included […]

Official Technical Course

Official Technical Course

The first step into the world of tasting

A true expert of "liquid gold" is distinguished from a simple amateur by virtue of his training.

Advanced course

An in-depth study of sensory analysis

It allows you to consolidate and deepen your knowledge on oil tasting and inclusion in the "International Register of Professional Tasters".

Online courses


To learn how to taste olive oil directly from your home.

Certified Tasting Sessions

Certificate issued by a Panel Leader

Certified tasting sessions, held in the manner and within the times required by current legislation.

Official Technical Course

Corso Tecnico Ufficiale

Il primo passo nel mondo dell'Assaggio

Un vero esperto dell”oro liquido” si distingue da un semplice amatore in virtù della sua formazione.

Corso Avanzato

un approfondimento del sapere sull’analisi sensoriale

Consente di consolidare e approfondire le conoscenze sull’assaggio degli oli e l'inserimento nel “Registro Internazionale Assaggiatori Professionisti”.

Corsi Online


Per imparare ad assaggiare un olio di oliva direttamente da casa tua.

Sedute di Assaggio Certificate

Attestazione rilasciata da un Capo Panel

Sedute di assaggio certificate, tenute nei modi e nei tempi previsti dalla normativa vigente.