Edmondo Minisci
Edmondo Minisci is an O.N.A.O.O. Professional Taster and Board Member.
Maria Antonietta Palumbo
Maria was born in Salento and lives between Busto Arsizio, Rome and San Remo. She has had a career in public administration for 28 years, in a municipality and a ministry. Maria works freelance as a journalist, PR, communicator, writer, event organizer. She has written books in teams and individually, and has edited several texts […]
Elia Pellegrino
Elia Pellegrino was born in Bari on February 17, 1968, and currently resides in Andria (BT). He is married with two children and holds a degree in Certified Accountant Programmer. He has been an ONAOO professional taster since 1997. Since 1991, Elia has served as the sole director of Azienda Olearia PELLEGRINO1890 S.r.l. (www.oliopellegrino.it). He […]
Adriano Petacchi
Adriano was born in 1976 in Caniparola di Fosdinovo (MS) and has been a partner in the family business “Frantoio Moro” in Caniparola di Fosdinovo (MS) since 1996. This activity allowed him to quickly learn the advantages and disadvantages of olive oil and to know much about this complex subject in a direct and detailed […]
Roberto Rastrelli
Roberto Rastrelli is a Professional Taster of ONAOO since 1989.
Francesca Salvagno
Francesca Salvagno represents the third generation of milling art in the family company in Verona. Besides being the marketing and communication manager of “Frantoio Salvagno”, managing the web and social media, she also cares the overseas market of the company to keep costumers and enthusiasts’ interest alive from all over the world who research more […]
Danielle Smith
Danielle was born in England, but she has lived in Italy for over 35 years. After obtaining a degree in history, she began working in tourism. Her passion for olives started with the olive grove around her hotel on Lake Como. Later, due to a challenge with her husband, she decided to open an olive […]
Marina Solinas
Marina has a degree in Food Preparation Sciences. She is currently the Quality Manager at the “Oleificio Pietro Coricelli S.p.A.”. Marina deals with quality certifications, contacts with customers and consumers. It also deals with the surveillance of the quality of products and processes, the control of incoming oils from a sensorial point of view. She […]
Mirko Taioli
Born in Verona in 1983, he grew up in the Mezzane Valley and considers himself a citizen of the world. In life he is a computer engineer with many years of experience in the field. Occasional walks among the olive trees help him to relax his body and mind. In 2021 he approaches O.N.A.O. to […]
Valentina Taioli
Valentina, born in Verona in 1989, has been studying with ONAOO since 2020. With a degree in Food Science and Technology and ten years of experience in the industry as a quality control specialist, she has developed a strong passion for extra virgin olive oil and its unique flavours and aromas. To deepen her knowledge […]